“You are not alone.”
Join us on one of our accredited courses that will provide you with knowledge and support to get through this inevitable stage of life… and meet some friends along the way.
Karen Jordan
Licensed Menopause Ambassador
“Guidance, support, encouragement, motivation and a strong sense of unity and community. These are what I hope to provide you with as you embark upon, are navigating your way through or are reflecting on the other side of Menopause.”
Karen Jordan is a licensed menopause champion with the Menopause Experts Group, a global community of ‘champions’ who share a single vision - that of supporting others through menopause.
Support and empowerment through education
Menopause can be such a confusing and distressing time and it leaves many women experiencing severe bouts of depression and anxiety. It is even attributed to an increase in both the divorce rate and even worse, the suicide rate of mid-life women over the last few decades.
It was called the change and I think that is an apt name. Change is exactly what is now needed to power up and over this stage of our lives. Education is critical and through it we can remove the stigma and taboo that is now seen as old-fashioned. The more we learn and understand what is happening to us biologically and psychologically, the more we feel uplifted, empowered and confident. Along with the support of others, we can and we will be able to effect changes and see and feel the benefits.
Our CPD accredited educational course covers menopause symptoms, psychology, mindfulness and we aim to empower you through knowledge about the biological and psychological changes associated with menopause. We will also cover topics such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and nutrition and lifestyle management, the three stages of menopause and much more…
Our course modules
Our courses contain four modules, Mindfulness and Menopause, Health, Hormones and Menopause, Nutrition and Menopause, Psychology and Menopause.
You can take all four modules in a single day on one of our 1 x day course events, but if you haven’t the time to take a day out of your busy schedule, it is possible to do each module individually either face to face or online. Simply make an inquiry with us and we will fit around a timescale that works for you.
A historical perspective on menopause and menopausal age.
Authors - Amarjeet Singh, Sukhwinder Kaur, Indarit Walia 2002 (link to article)
Earliest known references to menopause have been very scarce. Aristotle referred to age at menopause being 40 years and a French physician coined the term menopause in 1821 but then medical interest in menopause increased considerably in mid 19th century.
In the 1930s people started describing it as a deficiency disease. Consequently, various replenishment therapies were advocated eg. testicular juice, crushed ovaries of animals. In the 1970s medicalisation of menopause was complete. Menopausal symptoms were ascribed to estrogen deficiency and estrogen (hormone) replacement therapy was exhorted as the ultimate liberation of middle aged women. Synthetic estrogen was developed in 1938. Medical industry (Pharmaceuticals) entered the scenario of menopause in a big way and dominated the center stage.
In the 1970s the International Menopause Society was established. The First International Congress on Menopause was also organized in Paris, France in 1976. Various countries have formed national societies on menopause. Symptomatology of menopause differs in different ares of the world e.g In the West - hot flush, in Japan shoulder pain and in India low vision are the hallmarks of menopause. HRT use rate is high in West while it is low or negligible in countries like India. Age at menopause is also higher in West as compared to the range of 45-47 years in developing countries like India. Historically also a lower age at menopause was range documented in earlier times. This rose to the range of 50-51 years in the present era.Overall, women in western countries view menopause negatively. This is contrasted with a positive outlook towards menopause in a developing country like India.
Similar articles: A historical perspective on menopause. Authors - Menolabs News 2020 (link to article)
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